GUM-Red-Line Gallery is celebrating its first-year anniversary. The large-scale One Family exhibition at the First Line of GUM was the first project realized by the gallery. For two months Muscovites and visitors from other parts of the world were able to learn more about contemporary Russian art.
Participants of that exhibition with whom GUM-Red-Line Gallery curators had worked together for four years on the Contemporary Art of the Cover of BoscoMagazine were the first artists to be represented at the gallery. The editors asked famous Russian artists to create original pieces dedicated to the theme of family: Vladimir Dubossarsky, Oleg Kulik, AES+F, Andrey Bartenev, Pavel Pepperstein, Gosha Ostretsov, Georgy Totibadze, Konstantin Zvezdochetov, Alexander Vinogradov, Sergey Bratkov, Semyon Faibisovich, Aidan Salakhova, Bella Levikova, Irina Korina, Konstantin Zvezdochetov, Tanya Pioniker.
The First Anniversary is the perfect opportunity to meet up with friends. For the next month, One Family exhibition curator Maria Fedorovskaya will hold online broadcasts with the participants of the One Family project.