
Public-talk “Abstract art - connection with the subconscious and science"

11 december 2024 / 18:30 / GUM-Red-Line Gallery, 1st Line, 2nd Floor
Event took place as a part of the exhibition:
Alexandre Beridze: Abstract Thinking

As part of Alexander Beridze's exhibition "Abstract Thinking" in the gallery GUM-Red-Line will host a Public talk on the topic "Abstract art - connection with the subconscious and science".

- Alexander Beridze - an artist,
- Ivan Antonov - art historian, teacher, curator;
- Tatyana Volkova - art historian, archivist, psychologist;
- Yulia Vorobyova - clinical psychologist, art therapist, Head of the Department of Transpersonal Psychology at MGPU;
- Evgenia Artemova - Doctor of Art History, psychologist, art therapist, journalist, Professor of the Moscow State Pedagogical University in the field of art psychology;
- Katerina Alabina - journalist of "Snob" and ArtAndYou;
- Marina Fedorovskaya - curator of the exhibition, editor of Black Square magazine, moderator of the public current.

The topics will be discussed at the meeting:
— How does the aesthetic revolution of 20th century art affect perception;
— The philosophy of the Russian avant-garde and its significance in the global context;
— The connection between abstract art and the world of science;
— How visual art helps scientists explore the emotional world of a person, and develop emotional intelligence for viewers.

Registration is required to participate